In the presence of governors and deputy ministers
The head of the Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terrorist Operations chairs the third session of the Board of Trustees for the year 2024
His Excellency the President of the Fund for the Reconstruction of Areas Affected by Terrorist Operations, Engineer Saad Amin Al-Jubouri, chaired the meeting of the Board of Trustees in its third session of 2024, which was held in the meeting room at the Fund’s headquarters in Baghdad Governorate, in the presence of the Governors (Salah al-Din, Nineveh, Kirkuk, Anbar, and Diyala) and the Undersecretaries of the Ministries (Reconstruction). (Housing, Industry, Minerals and Water Resources), representatives of the Secretary-General of the Ministries of Defence, Interior, and the Kurdistan Region, the Head of the Engineering Affairs Department, the Planning Officer, and the Secretary of the Fund’s Board of Trustees.
His Excellency discussed many issues related to the work of service projects and all sectors.
His Excellency pointed out the necessity of adhering to the directives of the Honorable Prime Minister, Engineer Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to intensify field visits to projects and audit the statements in order to advance the service reality according to the type and volume of work.
His Excellency explained that preparing future plans and including them within an effective program helps expand the scope of choice, grow projects, and target the affected and poorest areas.
His Excellency stated that the Fund is committed to all necessary measures to ensure the implementation of service projects in the liberated governorates to return them to the forefront and stabilize them
